Anytime you're researching paramedic schools and training courses, it’s typical to have many concerns about the application process. Am I too old to be a paramedic? How much cash does a paramedic make? Can I get a job as a paramedic in America if I was born beyond the borders of America? Can you train to be a paramedic if you’ve been charged with a crime?

Still, most significant questions prospective paramedic students have centers on past college experience. Individuals thinking about seeking paramedic training want to know one important thing: Do I need to go to college to become a paramedic? And do I need to graduate a paramedic program with a college degree in order to become a medic? Or is becoming well trained with advanced life support skills sufficient to obtain a job working on an ambulance truck?

The answer, fortunately, is that a prior college degree isn't needed to become a paramedic, nor is it essential in order to apply to a paramedic training course. The job of a paramedic is truly one of many positions in America that, while significant training is needed, doesn’t require a college degree.

So yes, a youthful person directly out of twelfth grade could hypothetically become an EMT and then apply for paramedic training without needing to provide the school or program a copy of their college degree. That being said, a lot of schools that supply paramedic training desire that students possess prior work experience as an EMT, as that usually makes students a lot more able to succeed in clinical rotations or field internships.

In fact, you can enroll in a paramedic program that simply offers you a Paramedic Certificate, allowing you to then take the NREMT exams and apply for state licensure.

However, there are many benefits to graduating paramedic class with a college degree. The advantages are the following:

The primary advantage concentrates on take home pay. Earning an Associate’s Degree in Paramedicine Science, for instance, permits you to show a potential employer that you’ve effectively excelled in a longer, more comprehensive paramedic program. You’ve received more training, experienced additional hours of instruction and received far more clinical supervision compared to others in your particular field.

This could possibly give you a advantage within an already competitive employment market. And with the everyday paramedic earnings being about $38,000 every year, any scenario that can give you a leg up with regards to both job security and annual salary is ideal.

The next benefit to a paramedic degree is work advancement. Working as a paramedic is a wonderful and satisfying experience, but it can also be a stepping stone to other professions in health care, like a physician’s assistant (PA), a registered nurse (RN), or an EMS educator.

Not only will an Associate’s Degree support you with a better job, but academic expansion too, if you choose you’d like to transfer to a 4 year college.

So is a paramedic degree required for potential students? The answer is no, it's not necessarily. But students who decide to remain in school longer to receive a college degree related to their paramedic schooling (rather than a certificate) can certainly benefit far more by having extra career opportunities over time.

Need to know more on how to become a EMT Paramedic?  If so, be sure to drop by http://www.paramedictrainingspot.com when you get a chance!

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    I enjoy spending time with my family, my two dogs, and writing articles that hopefully can help one or two people understand how to become a great paramedic!


    November 2012


    Paramedic Salary